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makes good impression
Afterwards gave a lecture on Corn Products which was very instructive
Lunch with Moody, Coats, Gibson Stevenson at College then spent all afternoon [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] with Schleussner, Townsend, George Roll and Rossi discussing every phases of Bakelite situation. then supper University Club and back home with 8:27 P.M train.
May 17. Went to [[red underline]] dentist [[/red underline]] to have teeth cleaned and examined 
then to N.Y and meetings at R&H etc relative Bakelite
May 18. Pouring showers. Called up Columbia concerning Fink and learn he is appointed lecturer 
Call up office nobody in at noon time and wrote
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letter of protest
Called up Coats & [[strikethrough]] Baser [[/strikethrough]] Baskerville
May 19. [[red underline]] George Roll [[/red underline]] here early to discuss several matters. Tells me has to be operated upon and Schleussner leaves next Tuesday This will give me quite a job in the mean time. 
[[red underline]] Taguchi and Wooyinaka [[/red underline]] here to confer about patent suit in Japan. stayed for lunch. Then all to N.Y. Went to see Schleussner. Met Hays and George Roll discussing pending matters
May 20. All morning busy with Bakelite matters
May 21 (Sunday) Hays arrived here about 10 AM and stayed for lunch. Ask his advice about pending Bakelite matters