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Took him back to Station about 4 P.M. Then had [[red underline]] Kendal, [[/red underline]] Fink, Parmelee and their wives for a mint julep.
May 22. Meeting at Townsend's office with Frederick of Fibroc Company and Cox his attorney Townsend and myself. Redman came around but Frederick and Cox seemed apprehensive so he was asked to stay away.
Frederick showed samples which he honestly thought were made after Luft's indications and which we easily recognized as infringing several of our adjudicated patents 
He and Cox thought they knew the patent situation but showed themselves very poorly posted altho' it required some tact to
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tell them about their ignorance. When I told him we might bring team together with [[red underline]] Redman [[/red underline]] to furnish the varnish, he acted as if he suspected us of trying to play a trick. Same stupid [[red underline]] suspicion [[/red underline]] and he wanted our material. Told him he could not get it. Then he wanted to be allowed to make is own material which he said was better - another absurdity. Told him this was out of the question. That after all he asked us better conditions than we had given to any other licensee, an impossibility. When Redman told him his price - same as for Formica - he said it was too high and he took his hat and left. Immediately I gave instructions to proceed