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contract and salary list with George Roll and Rossi [[red underline]] Karpen [[/red underline]] is not very enthusiastic about [[red underline]] Boonton [[/red underline]] and feels much as I do. Says: Show them good will but just now cause no ill will of our other licensees. Later on may take up the subject if we find good way to do it. Avoid repetition of Dane Molding Co blunder.
Got along well with employes list. At my suggestion Karpen left Berlitzheimer out of the classification.
Also agrees to leave out last clause of employment contract forbidding engaging in similar business for five years after leaving 
Everything went along very
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May 26. [[red underline]] George Roll [[/red underline]] at office till noon. Meeting of Executive committee. Schleussner away but Hays present. Kirk [[red underline]] Brown and his son invited to be present [[/red underline]] so as to hear their views about employment contract and classification of salaries. No trouble whatsoever 
Modified last clause so as to [[strikethrough]] make it [[/strikethrough]] shorten it to a period of one or two years.
Everything over at 1 P.M. and I feel glad things are running better with Kirk Brown than I expected.
Sent check $10.00 for [[strikethrough]] Russian [[/strikethrough]] American-Russian Relief Association
At 4^[[:30]] P.M meeting of Institute International Education