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information whether I was founder and first President of N.Y Section. They want to [[strikethrough]] giv [[/strikethrough]] make me Chevalier de la [[red underline]] Legion d'Honneur. [[/red underline]] This is the third attempt for this distinction. [[red underline]] In the two former cases I did not furnish [[/red underline]] the information. This time in as far as they applied to Zanetti he could furnish it
Afterward took [[red underline]] Hendrick [[/red underline]] to Yonkers for dinner
June 9. Here all day. Evening spoke to Alumni dinner of [[red underline]] Pratt Institute at Machinery [[/red underline]] Club.
June 10. Went to N.Y office where took Oudin in car for dinner here then drove him to Harmon Station afternoon Visited Nina.
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June 11 (Sunday) Hot and sultry 
Short visit to [[red underline]] Ion in [[/red underline]] morning 
Afternoon towards 5.P.M a violent [[red underline]] storm squall [[/red underline]] with Westerly winds. First darkening [[red underline]] then howling wind, chairs and benches [[/red underline]] flew thru air. Trees in neighborhood uprooted many trees 1 and 1 1/2 feet diam healthy and strong, snapped off by fury of storm. Broadway and neighboring streets impassable by fallen streets. In neighborhood of New York [[red underline]] about 50 people drowned or killed by [[/red underline]] falling trees. Many drownings in Pelham Bay and near City Island [[strikethrough]] few [[/strikethrough]] among men and women out in small boats. Only trifling damage at Snug Rock thru fallen branches. I was all alone in the house.