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June 12. Here all day preparing data for Directors meeting 
Afternoon went to Ion. No damage thru storm but mooring line has shifted
June 13. Got letter from [[red underline]] Gordon [[/red underline]] that he [[red underline]] resigns on July 1. Foolish action on his part Gothelf [[/red underline]] came here at my request. Seems more nervous than ever and hands tremble violently. Seems exceedingly depressed and discouraged. Says cannot sign patent application for Canada unless I await some day when his hand trembles less. Afternoon went to office to have consultation with Hays in regard to to morrow's meeting. George Roll paid short visit to office while
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I was there.
June 14. [[red underline]] Kirk Brown [[/red underline]] holds meeting of publicity committee while I was there. [[red underline]] Subject seems well prepared. [[/red underline]] Afterwards had talk with him explaining subjects to be brought up before meeting. [[red underline]] He seemed distrustful [[/red underline]] at first when I explained why I wanted every employe whose minimum salary was fixed by our joint contract of December 1921 should have no minimum bonus. Then he also said that it had been a [[red underline]] disappointment to his son [[/red underline]] not to be in class I Showed him how their group had ratios about 4:1 in class I and 3:1 in the other classes, and that relatives of principal stock holders should not be pushed for