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ward to discourage our other employes. on the contrary we should keep [[red underline]] them down to inspire [[/red underline]] loyalty 
At 5 P.M took [[red underline]] Arthur Bullard [[/red underline]] and his wife from New York to Snug Rock for supper. then [[strikethrough]] went b [[/striketrhough]] drove them back home.
[[black underline]] June 15 [[/black underline]] General meeting of board of directors of Bakelite Corporation Schleussner still away and Karpen unable to come, all others present 
Had preliminary talk with Hays at lunch. Meeting at 1:30 P.M. decided about dividends financial matters, policy and salaries & instalment
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or the bonus. All went very smoothly but there was so much matter to transact that meeting [[red underline]] lasted till 4 P.M George Roll present. Kirk Brown [[/red underline]] reporting his sales states that we should expect conservatively [[red underline]] 17½% [[/red underline]] net profit on figure of sales after deduction of taxes and amortization. Redman and myself consider this too low. I think our net profits will be between 25% and [[red underline]] 33%. [[/red underline]] but it may be that Kirk Browns plant is not so efficient as ours. Everybody left very satisfied
June 16. Meeting of Kirk Brown, Redman Berlitzheimer, Seabury and myself at Townsends, to speak about organization of a development