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or other suitable solvents thus making a higher fusible body containing less chlorine and which would enable by changing proportions or melting together to obtain any degree of fusion point. Foggy day. Back home for supper.
June 21 To office back for supper
June 22. Busy day here [[strikethrough]] June 23 [[/strikethrough]] Wrote Redman to hurry furfurol matters and explained situation.
June 23. Meet Schleussner, Brown, Hays, George Roll and Rossi to discuss and meet auditor for B.C. [[strikethrough]] Transfer [[/strikethrough]] Went to Jersey City in Subway with Hays to transfer 4000 shares of B.C. common stock in name of Celine
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Transfer in New Jersey saves $80.00 on transfer taxes. Sent a radiogram to Celine [[strikethrough]] to explain [[/strikethrough]] in Paris to explain transfer etc. Back to office
June 24. George Roll here to put my papers in order. Long telephone talk with Brown about Furfurol patent. Also wrote long letter to Redman same subject. 
June 25 (Sunday) Here all day hard at work bakelite matters and studying furfurol patent and literature thereto.
June 26. Here all day, phoning to Factory etc. and writing to Townsend about patent matters
June 27. Went to N.Y meeting. K. Brown and Schleussner discuss answer to laminated group league. Also payment of bonus etc.