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Noontime. Took them all to lunch at Columbia University Club
At executive meeting were present all members thereof plus Kirk Brown, S. Brown, George Roll, Berlitzheimer Discussion of tactics with the laminated goods conspiracy. All agreed we are not going to be dictated to as to whom we shall sell. 
Meeting very satisfactory. Kirk Brown shows off well again. Orderly and intelligent attitude 
Evening took Townsend and Redman to University Club for supper
July 8. All morning at home 
Afternoon went to Ion
Lewis has no compression in his engine
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July 9. (Sunday) Went to Ion about 2 P.M. Springs of piston have become free. Engine works better. On reviewing snapped socket of rudder and had to come back steering with emergency tiller. A hot strenuous day.
July 10. Kirk Brown wrote me a letter urging that George Roll should go to factory to get better acquainted with manufacturing methods so as to prepare him to visit our customers.
Went to talk with George Roll over this matter then Schleussner who agrees.
July 11. Meeting with Townsend and Seabury. Told [[strikethrough]] them [[/strikethrough]] the latter that I had been charged with trying to find on what terms he would direct development work