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Deposited $700 in checks. (National Biscuit divid ^[[300]] and United Fruit 400) Drew $500 cash. Sent check $300 to Toch for Dr. Parker McIlhiney who is ill and wants a vacation. Went to office to sign our belated Tax return. Then back to Yonkers. Brought groceries at Acker Merrall & Condits. Sent Lewis for them in car while I went aboard. Left our anchorage towards evening and anchored near Palisades over night.
July 16 (Sunday) Beautiful weather About 11 AM left for Sandy Hook where anchored over night in Horseshoe preparing for going out to sea to morrow
July 17. Up at 5 A.M. left at 5:30 AM 
Gray cloudy but good
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barometer destination Barnegat Bay. Bothered with fog which gave low visibility. Southern breeze and tide against us. Boat behaved well. Entered Barnegat Inlet about 1 P.M. then Barnegat Bay. Anchored over night in Toms River. [[strikethrough]] Fearful [[/strikethrough]] Went sailing in dinghy. Several small yacht club and a boat yard near by. Frightened by mosquitoes which made an onslaught on us, so slept all night with duck houses and gauntlets and a sheet over my head. They disappeared afterwards.
July 18. Up early. then some sailing then to Bay Head. The Bay is well buoyed. Strong Southerly Breeze. Anchored before Bayhead club. Drawbridges promptly opened. Easy navigation