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Southwards. Afterwards Rain squalls.
Dropped anchor near Story Island. after visiting Tuckerton thru crooked Tuckerton Creek. Intended first to tie up there [[strikethrough]] after [[/strikethrough]] over night but got frightened away by [[red underline]] mosquitoes [[/red underline]]
July 23 (Sunday) Clear brisk weather. Left at 7:30 AM Channel well buoyed passed Little Egg Inlet. Many pleasure boats. Arrived Atlantic City at 10:15 A.M. and anchored in large Basin [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] in Clam Creek where no other boats are anchored instead of in the Basins where yachts are butted alongside the wharf. Lewis finds rudder clamp stripped. So
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had to wait till to morrow to have it mended.
Atlantic City same dense crowd where Eastern Jewish type of lower classes seems to preponderate. The whole place makes unfavorable impression
July 24. Rudder mended at noon. Went out to sea. After passing over bar and reaching Bell Buoy [[strikethrough]] find [[/strikethrough]] magneto gear stripped and engine stopped. Lewis had a strenuous time in rolling sea an hot engine room, arraying gears so as to make them mesh long enough to crawl back to our anchorage. 
July 25. Lewis reports gears are badly stripped. Sent telegram for new set to factory and Lewis went out to see whether