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rigging for fore and aft rig. At one time got the impression Lewis had forgotten to put the forestay sail aboard and got very irritated. Dused[[guess]] up to get Hamman bring it, then on rexamining the sail found I was mistaken and Lewis was not to blame. Went out in Sound after lunching on raw mussels sprinkled with that excellent home brew wine of Beardsly. Tried Forestay sail + mizzen first in good breeze and made about 3 1/2 to 3 3/4 knots. New rudder works well. Then added mainsail: works well but no so well as square sail. No trouble with
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steering - all this to larger rudder.
Evening ran in to quiet little Clinton Harbor. Lewis went alone while I was eating more raw mussels. He telephoned to George Roll. No important matters. - So much the better. quiet pleasant anchorage. Beautiful starry night. Entertained myself in locating constellations with a new revolving planet finding map just purchased
Aug 22. - Cool crisp night. Rather too cool. thermometer in cabin went down to 60 [[degree symbol]] F by morning Then warmer when sun got up. After swim & breakfast got out in sailing dinghy exploring neighboring water. Excellent lobster purchased at wharf