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following us had to go for shelter in one of the bays to [[?]]. Arriving at New Bedford I find storm warnings displayed 
No wonder. Anchored [[strikethrough]] behind [[/strikethrough]] near Pope's Island. Should have tried to visit Fairhaven [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] which looks so picturesque from water, with its well built towers, ship yards with schooner etc. but water too rough to be inviting for a dinghy. - To morrow. Morning
Aug. 26. Storm still raging complicated with showers Busy all day fixing rigging etc. and dreaming of improvements in sail plan.
Rain - Rain - Rain
[[black underline]] Sunday Aug. 27 [[/black underline]] Rain torrential rain all night
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[[left margin in red]] [[?]] ION [[/left margin]]
Spent most of night awake dodging small leaks in cabin roof and one mosquito which was unusually quiet and skilful in biting and eluding me.
At about 9:00 AM, tired of anchoring at same rainy place started across Buzzard's Bay for Cape Cod Canal etc Reached Cape cod about noon. Canal easy and well built but except Ion and one Boston Yacht nobody in it. Toll for Ion = $27.60.
Out of canal at 1:15 P.M Raining, raining, raining. Made for Plymouth Harbor Raining - Raining - Raining and dropped anchor before town at about 4 P.M