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result of my recent cruise on the Ion.
Sept. 19. Meeting of Directors of G. B. Co at R&H. Sales for October $240000 Then meeting with Browns Townsend, Redman etc. Went down town to Moore for my sail, Willis boat supplies etc. Am more worried about Seabury's vagaries.
Sept. 20. Got my nice little English Compass Henduck bought for me in England 
Went to office, then afternoon had a chat with W. W. Nutting at his office about my recent cruising experiences Evg. supper at University Club
Sept 21. Morning executive meeting of Bakelite Corporation
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Rossi ill in bed. Williams absent. Directors meeting at 2 P.M of Bakelite Corporation after Kaspen arrives. At my suggestion we are to increase [[strikethrough]] stock [[/strikethrough]] capital stock of B. Corp to $5000000, and declare before end of year a 100% stock dividend See minutes. 
After directors meeting another executive committee meeting lasting till past 6 P.M. In presence of Townsend, explained [[strikethrough]] sit [[/strikethrough]] Brown - Seabury episode about Seabury asking Brown to supply him material. KB. was very outspoken and said that only a few weeks ago Seabury referring to bakelite resin had told him "the damned stuff is n.g."
Sept. 22. Further executive