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meeting. I went to see Neave to advise him to arrange interview between Kaspen and Davis on the subject of the gear situation with the result that this very afternoon interview took place and Kaspen came back much elated by the result that General Electric Co is willing to limit royalty for gears to 10c a pound for laminated material. 
In the morning saw Roth and told him confidentially there is a movement on foot to supplant his organization for the Chemical Industries Election of next year.
Sept 23. Conference. Kaspen. Redman and myself
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this morning. 
Celine arrived with Manutaria George Roll and Nina went with our car to pier. 
I met them at Snug Rock at four. Everything all right. Afternoon and evening spent in listening to her experiences in France and Tunisia
Sept. 24 (Sunday) Another beautiful day. A busy morning for me attending to many business matters - Accounts etc etc Celine went to Philipse manor to bring the Rolls here for lunch with charming little Celene.
Sept 25. Beautiful clear crisp day. Jim, Lewis & Frank picking and crushing our grapes to make wine. Grapes very abundant this year