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minutes of last meeting of G. B. Co. so as to give them plenty of time to study the subject before passing on it next Director's meeting of Bakelite Corporation. Then drove back home with George Roll.
Oct 11. All morning writing and bakelite matters. Drew off first batch of peach-wine Sultry weather since last week. To day somewhat cleare and light breeze.
Oct 12. Very busy all morning writing letters and making preparations to go away on another cruise on the Hudson. George writes he has left Tunis and has been called to Paris.
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Went aboard Ion after lunch. Evening anchored under Palisades before Snug Rock. Mild weather beautiful starry night
Oct 13. Rather cool but bright and sunny. Northerly breeze Went out testing sails and brailing system. Evening came back at anchor under Palisades. Calm night.
[[left margin, written vertically]] See Log book [[/left margin, written vertically]]
Oct. 14. Warmer and hazy Used favorable wind and tide to sail up the Hudson Anchored near Stony Point at sunset. See log-book
Oct. 15 (Sunday) Hazy and calm in morning. Went exploring neighborhood in dinghy. (See log book) Got provoked at Lewis eternal lack of tidiness about kitchen [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] etc.