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samples in my laboratory with Lewis and Jim. Feel like opening graves or resuscitating part work A dirty job.
Evening went to reception at President Butler's house to [[?]] National Academy of Sciences
Nov. 15. rainey day. Went to meet Sanford Brown at office Then at 3P.M at Council of Am. Institute of Chemical Engineers, giving my views on Stanley Bill (Patents) then at 7 P.M. annual dinner of Cruising Club of America at Harvard Club. Numerous attendance and interesting talks. Fiala about his [[strikethrough]] Rya [[/strikethrough]] Ziegler North Pole Expedition and his trip in Africa with Roosevelt
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Frederic Fenges about his experiences in the Carribean on his canoe the Yucaboo
Nov. 16. Here all day.
New wine has become quite strong. tastes as strong or stronger than port wine.
Nov. [[strikethrough]] 19 (Sunday) 16 [[/strikethrough]] 17 Went to Newark this afternoon to meet [[red underline]] Weston [[/red underline]] He tells me bakelite molding material is excellent now. Also told me of Muybridge's pioneer work in Cinematagraph Listened to excellent radio concert in his laboratory. Asked him to buy me the best obtainable outfit Told me of some of the tricks of Kirk Brown
Evening went to supper to University Club

Transcription Notes:
Verified Fiala's name on Ziegler trip.