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Common mistake of selecting uninteresting research topics in University laboratories. Industrial laboratories as for instance Schenectady etc chose true and fascinating results. Same could be done in our Universities. Each problem of applied Science had certain factors of Pure Scientific research which make splendid subjects. because they inspire the investigator with the possibility of great applications.
Nov. 25. Here all day. - Siphoned new [[red underline]] wine ^[[wine]] [[/red underline]] from barrels into glass demi-john.
Evening went to Century Club to hear Abel lecture on Missionary Work in New Guinea Good lecture. afterwards Houdin, Gadkin, Hovey,
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Hendrick and Zogbaum sampled the specimens of home [[strikethrough]] wide [[/strikethrough]] made wine I had brought along Drove Dr. Hovey back home in Yonkers
Nov. 26. (Sunday) Nina here with babies. George Roll laid up at home consequence of chill football game yesterday
Afternoon Mr & Mrs Toch here
Nov. 27. George Roll still at home. Evening went to N.Y to meet Theod. Knowlton who is on the look out for a new business connection. Evening went to U.C. where distributed some of my home made wine to Bridges
Nov. 2. First snow of season