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Delivered samples of home brew wine to Mrs. Baskerville, [[Mans?]] [[red underline]] Godkin [[/red underline]], Piet, Durant. Evening Bridges had wild turkey at University Club.
In the morning went to Yonkers City Hall to get certificates of naturalization papers.
 {Feb 20-1897
 { White Plains. N.Y.
Then went to Custom house to get blanks for passport
[[strikethrough] Dec. 5. H [[/strikethrough]]
Dec. 6. [[strikethrough]] Here all day [[/strikethrough]] Went to [[strikethrough[[ Dec 6 [[/stirkethrough]] see Bender in Columbia showed me his different samples and results of work laid out [[strikethrough]] first [[/strikethrough]] further plan of work for him. He makes good impression, quick earnest worker, who grasps what is wanted and knows how to get there.
Dec. 7. [[strikethrough]] Lunch U.C. [[/strikethrough]] Rossi met me early at office
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to consult about contract with Durian. Afterwards had long session and lunch at Columbia University Club about pending matters and financial policy of co as it appears to me. He agrees fully with our plans but as to large salary proposed by Schleussner ($150.000 to be divided between us three) and to which I object he wants to defer [[strikethrough]] decision [[/strikethrough]] opinions until we have discussed it with Schleussner. Told him I am in favor but want smaller compensation for each of us
Dec. 8 Met Karpen & [[strikethrough]] Redm [[/strikethrough]] Schleussner at R&H. discussed general pending matters. Agreed to place Berlitzheimer in Class II.