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Brown and Rossi at Townsend's ^[[all about [[underlined in red]] trade-mark policy [[/underlined in red]] ]]
Sent check $20 for American Relief Association in Russia 2 P.M. went to see [[underlined in red]] Schleussner. suggested funds of all 3 companies should be held by one or more [[/underlined in red]] banks but no delivery or exchange allowed except by three signatures - 2 alternative signatures for each group
Group I. myself or George Roll
  "  II. Schleussner or Hamman
  " III  A. Karpen or Leo Karpen
Also all [[underlined in red]] bookkeeper of G.B C. should no longer be done at R&H under Frankel but at [[strikethrough]] office. [[/strikethrough]] Perth Amboy [[/underlined in red]] and final controling financial should be done by. [[underlined in red]] Quigley under [[/underlined in red]] order of our treasurer. i.e. financial transactions
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summing up etc. 
Schleussner agrees with me 
A certain Mr. [[underlined in red]] Lockwood [[/underlined in red]] came to see me to make a proposition for [[underlined in red]] pushing Baskerville [[/underlined in red]] Process. He makes good impression so does his proposition. Told him he should meet George Roll and tell him about it and later would investigate further and report and then I would meet his associates before advising Mrs. Baskerville what to do.
Dec. 13. At Townsend's office at 9 P.M. [[underlined in red]] George Roll, [[/underlined in red]] Kirk Brown and Brickenstein and Townsend ^[[& Swan]]. A discussion about trade-mark situation and our policy, all morning. and instructions to Swan and Kirk Brown [[underlined in red]] to act accordingly [[/underlined in red]]