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a month. I told him he should stay longer if necessary. I asked him [[underlined in red]] whether I could wire [[/underlined in red]] and write him that I had [[underlined in red]] spoken to Warfield [[/underlined in red]] and that George could send in his resignation provided he finished his work. [[underlined in red]] Warfield acquiesed [[/underlined in red]] and added that [[underlined in red]] I should write him that he regrets to lose him [[/underlined in red]] All this [[underlined in red]] made me feel happy and proud of George. - If I were in his place I would stick to his interesting job and see some more of the world instead of the prosaic business - city work which awaits him in New York. [[/underlined in red]] Went to see Hays, discussed new safekeeping of bank - accounts and securities with him. 3 signatures for all large checks and vault box for our securities
[[left margin in red// Warfield & George [[/left margin in red]]
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with 2 keys and 2 men to open it and transfer all bookkeeping of G. B. Co to Perth Amboy and controling [[underlined in red]] accounting [[/underlined in red]] under [[underlined in red]] Quigley [[/underlined in red]] at Bakelite Corporation Office [[underlined in red]] instead of at Roessler-Hasslacher's [[/underlined in red]] all of which seems evident to him. Then drove in Taxi to meeting of [[underlined in red]] Faculty of Applied Science. [[/underlined in red]]
Dec. 19. 9:30 Meeting. General Bakelite Co. Directors. Long talks with Schleussner about subject of to morrow. [[underlined in red]] Safekeeping of surplus cash and securities, [[/underlined in red]] transferring checking bookkeeping to office of Bakelite Corporation etc. Dividend rates for B. Co. Etc. Then drove hurriedly in taxi to [[underlined in red]] Whiteplains [[/underlined in red]] to