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[[underline]] 1923. [[/underline]] Jan 1. Home all day.
Jan. 2. Got new box at Bank vault. Bought 55000 N.Y. City bonds and got letter of credit for $50000
Went to see [[red underline]] Schleussner to make him agree on policy during my absence which he dutifully did [[/red underline]]
Supper at University Club
Jan 3. Conference at Townsend office with Brickenstein, G. Roll present, on trade-mark policy and pending infringement suits. [[red underline]] Told G. Roll that whatever risks we may have with bakelite trade-mark our attitude must be complete confidence and act accordingly instead
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of assuming that bakelite trade-mark might be set aside 
Had to call [[red underline]] Rossi [[/red underline]] at the phone to protest about [[red underline]] delays of reports at the factory. [[/red underline]] His typewriter [[red underline]] Miss Brook is slow incompetent and lazy. [[/red underline]]
[[strikethrough]] Evening [[/strikethrough]] It snows heavily. Evening meeting of [[red underline]] Engineering [[/red underline]] Schools at [[red underline]] President Butlers [[/red underline]] house. Main subject the [[strikethrough]] diminuation [[/strikethrough]] ^[[decrease]] of mining engineers applicants. A long but interesting discussion which lasted till 11:45 P.M
Jan 4. Met [[red underline]] Bender [[/red underline]] at Columbia with Schrimpe explained to [[red underline]] Schrimpe what to do with dioxytetraphenyl-methane [[/red underline]] and with [[red underline]] acetophenone [[/red underline]] and to make a note of it. [[red underline]] Schrimpe [[/red underline]] complains

Transcription Notes:
Is it possible that acetopherome (at bottom A5 transcription) is supposed to be acetophenone? And also I believe dioxytetraphenylmethane is missing the 'n' in phenyl.