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behaved lot
Jan 8. Still warm. moderate winds.
Jan 9. Same. Our daily runs are [[strikethrough]] over [[/strikethrough]] 534-561 miles. The steamer can make 25 knots but is making about 23.
Jan 10. Changed our course N.E wards. Getting somewhat colder.
Jan 11. Same routine. Packing
Jan 12. We [[strikethrough]] are to [[/strikethrough]] arrive [[strikethrough]] tomorrow morning [[/strikethrough]] at [[red underline]] Cherbourg. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Packing valises [[/strikethrough]] at 7:30 A.M. Quaint [[red underline]] quiet place. [[/red underline]] Little shipping except a few small fishing boats. Good quays. Quite some delays on account of [[red underline]] red tape of passports. [[/red underline]] Customs examination etc 
Then train at about 11 A.M. Pretty country. [[red underline]] Normandy [[/red underline]]
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[[left margin in red]] George - Paris [[/left margin]]
mild weather, things look green. Arrive [[red underline]] Paris [[/red underline]] about 6 P.M. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] was there looks strong and healthy but his [[red underline]] beginning baldness shows more than last year. [[/red underline]] Took me to [[red underline]] Plaza Athene [[/red underline]] hotel. Small but excellent room + bath, as good as the best in America. Steam heat. Mostly patronized by foreigners and Americans. Charge about 4-5 Dollars a day for room
[[strikethrough]] Jan 1 [[/strikethrough]] Went to [[red underline]] visit his children and Cornelia. [[/red underline]] All look well. [[red underline]] Children have entirely forgotten their English [[/red underline]] Went to a restaurant together
Jan 13. Day spent in walking and talking with [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] and give him present history of [[red underline]] Bakelite Corporation. Evening all went to [[/red underline]] Bruniers' Restaurant.