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[[left margin in red]] Dinner of La Valette [[/left margin]]
[[red underline]] French cars are provided with [[/red underline]] one of these outfits [[red underline]] which are to be found on any American car [[/red underline]] went for lunch at his house. [[red underline]] The Countess [[/red underline]] is a middle-aged lady who [[red underline]] makes an excellent impression. [[/red underline]] There was also [[red underline]] La Roche, [[/red underline]] his friend [[red underline]] Delephangue [[/red underline]] Mons. & Mad. [[red underline]] Surcouf [[/red underline]] and an old retired [[red underline]] General [[/red underline]] and a [[red underline]] Mademoiselle de ? [[/red underline]] whose father [[red underline]] was a painter [[/red underline]] and who has lived in [[red underline]] California. [[/red underline]] excellent lunch well served and varied conversation [[red underline]] Surcouf and his wife look somewhat like impudent Irishmen. [[/red underline]]
[[strikethrough]] Evening wen [[/strikethrough]] Evening in order to rest went to a comedy. As usually is war or 
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[[left margin in red]] Surcouf Paris [[/left margin]]
rather [[red underline]] "French" Play, main subject, cucottes, [[/red underline]] mistresses etc and all very uninteresting [[strikethrough]] What [[/strikethrough]] I began to be [[red underline]] pretty well fed up on Paris, [[/red underline]] and felt so after two or three days. [[red underline]] Another world than ours. [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] Jan 26. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Lavalette [[/red underline]] had arranged a conference for 10 A.M at Bakelite office He and [[red underline]] Génot [[/red underline]] were there but [[redunderline]] Surcouf arrived about an hour late. [[/red underline]] Did not give himself the trouble to apologize, simply said he [[red underline]] had not slept well! - French politeness! The man gets on my [[strikethrough]] nerveis [[/strikethrough]] nerves. [[/red underline]] Talked until 12:35 P.M on bakelite affairs. [[red underline]] Génot [[/red underline]] wanted information on technical matters. Told him we could not afford