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[[left margin in red]] Marseilles [[/left margin]]
[[red underline]] Paris. General tone [[/red underline]] of people reminds somewhat [[red underline]] Buenos Aires type [[/red underline]]
To night while I sat in my room of the hotel, reading [[red underline]] all the electric lights went out for about half an hour. [[/red underline]] No wonder with their [[red underline]] flimsy [[/red underline]] electric installations
Jan 30. Have sent 75 francs by money-order to Aberdeen in Paris to pay charge for forwarding my fur coat to Yonkers. Walked from 10:30 AM to 1 P.M along [[red underline]] docks. Basin [[/red underline]] where small craft congregates is picturesque but dirty. Reminds somewhat of [[red underline]] Naples. [[/red underline]] Clear clean blue sky but temp about [[red underline]] 45°F. [[/red underline]] Landscape, white cliffs blue water etc. [[red underline]] reminds of Valparaiso. [[/red underline]] Small stands where shell-fish is sold. - [[strikethrough]] Urchin [[/strikethrough]]
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[[left margin in red]] Marseilles [[/left margin]]
[[red underline]] Sea-urchins [[/red underline]] eaten raw. Opened with scissors, liquid emptied and starshaped orange inside eaten [[red underline]] raw. [[red underline]] Mussels, oysters, Marennes & Portugaises) langouste crevettes and clams.
Low class of [[red underline]] men and women very low along docks. [[/red underline]] Saw ^[[white]] men dirtier and more unwashed than any nigger in the U.S. [[red underline]] Sore eyes, and sores on face of children. [[/red underline]]
Lateen rig prevails for small craft. One [[red underline]] steam yacht (steel) Finlandia [[/red underline]] (about 130 ft) belongs to [[red underline]] owner of Louvre. [[/red underline]] seems rather neglected, a few yawls about 40 ft over all. One 2 mast schooner about 100 feet (Gina) probably English. Also one [[red underline]] motor cruiser, ^[["May"]] rather badly [[/red underline]]