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[[left margin in red]] Marseille [[/left margin]]
atmosphere. My driver tells me rain is the exception. If anything [[red underline]] extreme dryness is their worry and a hindrance to agriculture: [[strikethrough]] Mis [[/strikethrough]] Mistral or Northerly Wind is their unpleasant [[/red underline]] wind. Sea seems smooth and excellent for yacht cruising. - The [[red underline]] whole ride which lasted one [[/red underline]] hour costs me only [[red underline]] one Dollars [[/red underline]] = 15 francs.
Afternoon packed my trunks and [[strikethrough]] went [[/strikethrough]] [[drove?]] to [[red underline]] SS. Calendonia [[/red underline]] Hotel charges only 35 fcs a day, and only 6.50 fcs for coffee & rolls + generous orange. For the later they charge only 1 frcs = 6 cents!
[[red underline]] Glad to come aboard and hear English spoken [[/red underline]] by stewards Makes impression of steadiness and reliability. Boat
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[[left margin in red]] SS Calendonia for Port Said [[/left margin]]
is [[red underline]] old but comfortable. [[/red underline]] Few passengers. [[red underline]] mostly going to Bombay. [[/red underline]] Big 3 berth outside cabin all to myself as promised. - Woodbine an intelligent cheerful looking English lad is my cabin steward. Cabin is old-fashioned [[strikethrough]] but and [[/strikethrough]] but well kept. - 2 big electric fans from ceiling - not needed just now! Well be in [[red underline]] Port Said [[/red underline]] next Wednesday Service in kitchen, table stewards, deck hands and [[strikethrough]] baz bozuns [[/strikethrough]] bozuns are [[red underline]] Lascars. [[/red underline]] They look [[red underline]] funny with their swarty asiatic faces, slouchy clothing, bare feet in [[/red underline]] in pointed sandals or old shoes and a little flat cylindrical painted cap set jauntily on their heads