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[[red underline]] and the brain has no time for meditation [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] and is not the brain has no (time [[/strikethrough]] ^[[nor]] for the senses) - while in the East so much time is devoted to [[red underline]] meditation [[/red underline]] (and sense) that there is no time [[red underline]] left for activity." That vacant stare of the Parisian who sits immobile before a little table on the boulevards, and takes and hour or so to sip a little cup of coffee! - is a picture [[underline]] of the East. [[/underline]] Continental [[/red underline]] Europe is the [[red underline]] transition of the East to the west. [[/red underline]] 
That [[red underline]] fresh Irishman [[/red underline]] at my right tells me point blank [[red underline]] "Americans are the greatest liars in the World because in Montreal [[/red underline]] they were selling him fake lots in Montana and British Columbia"! He certainly
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must have fallen about a raw lot.
In a British Motor publication where they complain bitterly of American Competition I read that U.S. with a population of [[red underline]] 11700000 has 10500000 registered motor [[/red underline]] vehicles. - while Britain with 45000000 has only about 500000 Wages in U.S. are 2 to 3 times as high in the Motor Industry as they [[red underline]] are in Britain [[/red underline]]
Duties on Motor Vehicles in England are now 33 1/3% while only 25% in U.S.
[[underline]] Feb 4 [[/underline]] (Sunday) A beautiful clear day. Same steady sea. Somewhat warmer. Made the acquaintance of a [[red underline]] brother of Harold Hebbert, [[/red underline]] who is a mining engineer and his lived long in Canadia