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[[left margin in red]] Port Said [[/left margin]]
a polite [[red underline]] English [[/red underline]] speaking well uniformed official in [[red underline]] fez. [[/red underline]] Ships coals. Several barges filled with howling moslems come along and raise coal dust. Am assured that [[red underline]] Port-Said coal bearers have record for speed in coaling [[/red underline]] and I believe it the way they run about with their baskets which they empty in a chute. Landed by a [[strikethrough]] steam [[/strikethrough]] ^[[gasoline]] launch. to station where baggage is inspected. Station simple open [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[but]] very clean. [[red underline]] Influence of English on cleanliness and orderliness. [[/red underline]] Fellaheen handle baggage and by trunks as easily as in New York and decidedly [[red underline]] more dexterously than in France or Germany. Notice many men blend [[/red underline]] on one ex. Fellaheen some with good
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[[left margin in red]] Port Said [[/left margin]]
shoes latest fashion, others barefooted some fat and bulky others lean and erect. [[red underline]] Custom examination orderly but easy. Fellaheen quarreling [[/red underline]] and gesticulating to each other on [[red underline]] matter of bachseesh. [[/red underline]]
[[red underline]] English ships, [[/red underline]] going into canal, one loaded with hoops, also a Dutch ship 
Canal not very wide. [[red underline]] Looks somewhat like Cape Cod Canal [[/red underline]] Traffic seems moderate. Special train leaves at 10:30 for [[red underline]] Cairo. - Seems [[/red underline]] very much as [[red underline]] average first class England train a little less clean. Dinner aboard, with 1/2 bottle ale = $1.25 (25 piastres 
Flat clay soil. Mud huts similar to adobe houses. Egyptian women black dress.

Transcription Notes:
Fellaheen is Arabic for laborer. Piastre was the Egyptian currency until 1962.