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[[left margin in red]] Pyramid Cairo [[/left margin]]
dried bricks same as adobe [[strikethrough]] Date p [[/strikethrough]] surrounded with date palms. Clover, beans, tomatoes and potatoes seem main crops.  Irrigation by pumping old water wheels of every description. [[red underline]] Archmedian screw [[/red underline]] made of planks quite common. 
[[image of rectangle at an angle with a line coming out of either end]] 
In a pond see several [[red underline]] flat-bottomed square sterned rowboats [[/red underline]] entirely similar to [[red underline]] small dinghy [[/red underline]] of ION. Seems to be a [[red underline]] very old pattern. [[/red underline]] 
At Mena house got on a Camel, my dragoman riding a donkey. One arab following. Bright clear sky and sunshine but temperature not over 60 [[degree symbol]] F. My [[red underline]] camel [[/red underline]] groans once in awhile when he is frighte-
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[[left margin in red]] Pyramids [[/left margin]]
-ned by a horse or a motor car.  Got to the habit of leaning back when he kneels. 
For [[red underline]] Pyramids [[/red underline]] are Baedeker [[/red underline]] Monument to despotism and slavery. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Ba [[/strikethrough]] The king who built cheap pyramids, send his own daughter to a house of prostitution to thus collect additional cash when his funds got low! Guide book says she collected some on the side for a little burial pyramid of her own. 
[[red underline]] Sphinx is a disappointment [[/red underline]] much smaller than I imagined and rather less impressive. As contemporary photographer makes your photo while you are on your camel. - Made mine. 
[[red underline]] Fellaheen boys and girls [[/red underline]]
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