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[[left margin in red]] Heliopolis Cairo [[/left margin]]
[[red underline]] ankles, [[/red underline]] often above their [[red underline]] black stockings; [[/red underline]] others below their stockings
Some women barefooted others wear newest pattern European shoes, but all black robed. Some without veil. 
When I arrive in [[red underline]] Cairo [[/red underline]] feel rather stiff after an all day camel ride.  
Feb 11. (Sunday) Mahomet engaged a horse carriage and drove me to [[red underline]] Heliopolis a modern city [[/red underline]] of white buildings Moorish-European style. large streets stores etc. built by a [[red underline]] Belgian Syndicate [[/red underline]] and which is the preferred residence resort and summer place of better class Europeans. ( [[strikethrough]] See [[/strikethrough]] Baedeker). ( [[strikethrough]] This trip to Heliopolis was made [[/strikethrough]] on 
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[[left margin in red]] Heliopolis [[/left margin]] 
[[strikethrough]] Monday [[/strikethrough]] +. In the morning we first drove to the [[red underline]] "University" [[/red underline]] where the [[red underline]] Koran [[/red underline]] and all holy sciences and anything worth knowing according to the Prophet is taught (see Baedeker)
[[strikethrough]] A low [[/strikethrough]] an old mosque building with large flat slabs in the yard and a stone collonade all around.  Then inside straw mats and carpets on the floor, on which squat turbaned moslems dirty ill kempt, dirty clothes unwashed faces, barefooted or in loose dirty sandals. All reading the [[red underline]] Koran [[/red underline]] while swinging ^[[swinging]] their body, Sitting in groups listening to a Jewish looking teacher, who reads aloud and explains Outside in the yard under the vaulted collonade
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