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[[in red]] The Nile [[/in red]]
me they were made by different generations who believed the [[red underline]] deceit of these stories had great medicinal value. so they snatch them off and carry them home [[/red underline]] and mix them with water and [[red underline]] attribute great healing properties to them [[/red underline]]
The Arabs and general population well kept in order by country police and everything very orderly bought some sandals and some beads.
Two other steamers with tourists had arrived and our group got somewhat mixed up in the temple. On a corner I bumped against a man and found out it was my friend Lamme Chief Engineer of Westinghouse
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[[in red]] Luxor [[/in red]]
Company of Pittsburgh The most interesting trip thus far. Left for [[red underline]] Luxor. [[/red underline]] at 11AM.
Arrived there about 4 P.M. The beautiful landscape is either spoiled by the modern buildings along the Nile. Three other steams there numerous sailboats also some Dahabeeas Went for a long stroll thru town [[red underline]] Town simpler and much smaller than Cairo and not so noisy. [[/red underline]] Winter palace hotel seems all right. Not so sumptuous as Shepheards. Many [[red underline]] Belgian flags [[/red underline]] on account of arrival of [[red underline]] Queen of the Belgians. [[/red underline]]
Evening [[red underline]] Lamme x [[/red underline]] came to visit me on my boat. 
x of Westinghouse and Naval Consulting Board