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[[in red]] Karnak [[/in red]]
Feb. 20. Left for [[red underline]] Karnak [[/red underline]] Ruins on donkeys. Hot sun but not uncomfortable [[red underline]] Many flies [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] but they [[/strikethrough]] around the ruins but they do not bite. Impressive ruins see Baedeker - [[red underline]] Makes me think once more what a crafty priesthood and despotic ruler can do if they have a docile and ignorant people to rule. [[/red underline]] Rameses II who seemed to think rather much of himself [[red underline]] reminds me of the kaiser of Germany [[/red underline]] Back to the boat in time for lunch
Afternoon went to nearby [[red underline]] Temple of Luxor [[/red underline]] situated only a few hundred yards from [[strikethrough]] bot [[/strikethrough]] boat landing (See Baedeker
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[[in red]] Luxor Tut-ankHamman [[/in red]]
Feb. 21. Early breakfeast then sail across Nile. Sailors singing a monotonous [[red underline]] Nile Song as old as the tombs. [[/red underline]] our Dragoman says. Sailors are in blood red Jerseys and white turbans. Then on donkeys to the temples and tombs. (See Baedeker). Barren limestone hills. Not a bed of vegetation. Glaring sun [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] and very dry Waterbottle would come in handy. - Feels hot but no sunblister. White dust Saw entrance of that famous [[red underline]] tomb of Tutank-haman recently discovered by Lord Carnarvon. [[/red underline]] nothing particular. admittance forbidden. An Englishman was in charge. Entered a tomb just on the left