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[[top margin in red]] Asswan - sailing [[/top margin]]
the Cataract. Since dam was made water relatively quiet except for overflow causing current about 1½ knots. Granite show pot-holes in some places - surface very smooth and polished by friction of ages. [[red underline]] A most delightful afternoon. [[/red underline]] Back at sunset. Sailor's washed themselves in [[strikethrough]] water [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Nile]] just at sunset, then turning East, bowed, then head to the deck, then recited their prayers. The [[red underline]] lugsail [[/red underline]] used on that boat is rather narrow and boom is lifted high enough to allow ample clearance for men standing upright. 
[[image: drawing of side view of boat and sail]]
No reefs on sail Barndoor rudder. For shortening sail Some kind 
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[[top margin in red]] Asswan - sailing [[/top margin]]
of topping lift swings boom upwards. For dowsing sail. Upper pole or gaff is simply lowered to meet lower boom then sail furled. When running with wind abeam boat shows decided weatherhelm [[strikethrough]] ad [[/strikethrough]] and then needs strong rudder. When [[strikethrough]] are for [[/strikethrough]] running before wind she steers easily. - Evening a show organized by the sailors rather monotonous. - Went packing my valises for tomorrow early start and backseesh for everybody including 1st steward 2nd etc etc etc.
Feb 26. Up early. Distribution of [[red underline]] bakseesh. [[/red underline]] Then sailed to landing near station. Little white train takes us to [[red underline]] Shellal station [[/red underline]] near Asswan dam. Pass a Bedouin village in the desert. Arid and squalid. Big