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[[left margin in red]] Berbers [[/left margin]]
[[in red]] [[underline]] Nile [[/underline]] Temple Philae [[/in red]]
granite boulders everywhere and nothing but desert. Enormous dam Water very high [[strikethrough]] flooding [[/strikethrough]] Everything seems submerged. [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Temple of Philae [[/red underline]] till top of columns Nothing but barren hills. a few tops of date palms above water. Thebes [[red underlie]] nice little stern paddle steamer [[/red underline]] Got good room on upper deck Desert barren hills everywhere. [[red underline]] Mud villages [[/red underline[[ with not a tree around Reminds of Peru. Temp [[red underline]] 85 [[degree symbol]] F [[/red underline]] on deck 95 [[degree symbol]] F in my cabin. but nice dry hot air Pleasant climate. Have still my [[red underline]] winter underwear. [[/red underline]] Population here is [[strikethrough]] Nubian [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Berberian. - Speak no Arabic [[/red underline]] few if any can read or write. Some flood [[strikethrough]] most [[/strikethrough]] their scant land is submerged and the whole represents a barren helpless aspect. [[red underline]] Dragoman [[/red underline]] says that the company that built the dam compensated
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[[in red]] Berbers [[/in red]]
them and Egyptian Government has offered them better lands but they refuse to leave as they are much attached to their houses. At low water they cultivate a short crop of beans and wheat which they let dry and keep on the roof of their domed huts. and manage to keep them a few goats, sometimes a cow or two. The young men go to Cairo [[strikethrough]] or engage as waiter or other occupations, or as boatmen Some of them go to Italy, or France but they all come back to their village. Their wives and mothers specially want to stay there and if they get [[red underline]] elsewhere become homesick and prefer their barren existence [[/red underline]] Population here is very different from lower Nile. and we meet in succession: 1st [[strikethrough]] Nubians [[/strikethrough]] Berberians with very dark complexion