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[[in red]] Nile Abu Simbel [[/in red]]
sacks of pearl-barley. Young Arab boy preparing dinner carrots. large cucumber (or marrow?) and stewed bits of lamp. Fire of charcoal and wood on deck in a large clay platter.
Evening after supper all passenger went in moonlight to entrance of temple During the night at 4 A.M passengers awakened to see [[red underline]] Southern Cross. [[/red underline]] - Some imagined they saw it. others not Animated discussion in pajamas and bathrobes.
March 1. 1923. Steamer left before day break. An hour later was aground on a bank Sailors wading thru water thus sounded the channel Some kedging then afloat again. ^[[Steamer]] [[red underline]] "Thebes" draws 3 1/2 feet [[/red underline]]
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[[in red]] Sudan Nile Wadi-Halfa [[/in red]]
Engineer tells me there are more shoals ahead. Government is beginning to place some buoys to indicate channel. Fertile country along some ships bordering the Nile. Some [[strikethrough]] ruined [[/strikethrough]] destroyed [[strikethrough]] Byz [[/strikethrough]] Mud forts. from Byzantine times [[red underline]] Wadi-Halfa [[/red underline]] appears in the distance, with its peculiar minaret and before date palms are visible its white painted houses below foliage remind me of some villages along the Redebeu River in French Canada.
We land before noon. Went ashore a few streets and the desert beyond. Bazaars and shops; much less variety and more humbler than at Asswan. [[red underline]] Sudanese police [[/red underline]] (See photo) rather imbued with their dignity. An ornamental kaki turban