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[[in red]] Bakheesh [[/in red]]
[[red underline]] they literally jumped upon me and cling into me and [[/red underline]] in their eagerness to pull the coins out of my hands [[red underline]] scratched [[/red underline]] my hand [[red underline]] until it bled. Worse than savage animals. I supposed a handful of money could start a revolution among people of their land [[/red underline]]
Their [[strikethrough]] stone [[/strikethrough]] stone square huts X plastered ^[[smooth]] with Nile Clay hang on the slope of the stony bank Not a bit of green visible. [[strikethrough]] all land submerged [[/strikethrough]] Their narrow strip of land is submerged. [[red underline]] Bolus the Dragoman [[/red underline]] says that when the [[red underline]] Nile is low they cultivate a small crop [[/red underline]] on which they live They also make some charcoal (where do they get the wood?) which they peddle in Shellah. The [[red underline]] younger men [[/red underline]] who are hired out [[red underline]] as servants and waiters all along the Nile, [[/red underline]] Cairo, Alexan
[[left margin]] X some of the huts bear half a dozen white dinner plates, plastered in the facade as an ornament [[/left margin]]
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[[in red]] Shellal - Temple Philae [[/in red]]
dria, and other points of the Mediterranean probably supply the wherewithals. [[red underline]] Bolus says they tenuously [[red underline]] cling to their village [[/red underline]] and old men and women [[red underline]] become homesick if removed therefrom. Egyptian Government has made them in varies inducements to move to better arable lands. [[red underline]]
Arrived at [[red underline]] Shellal [[/red underline]] about lunch. With rowboat to temple of [[red underline]] Philae [[/red underline]] submerged to the top of the columns. Then to [[red underline]] Asswan [[/red underline]] dam and locks. Dam about 1 1/2 miles long. No attempt to [[strikethrough]] wh [[/strikethrough]] make electric current. Valves & locks operated hydraulically. [[red underline]] Lord Carnarvon [[/red underline]] of Tut-ank-Hamens fame strolling around. Pock-marked nose.
March 5. Up early. Train 8AM for [[red underline]] Asswan. There I took a sail [[/red underline]]