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[[in red]] Asswan [[/in red]]
[[red underline]] boat. to myself in which put [[/red underline]] luggage. Knowing the channel had no trouble in running the boat and [[strikethrough]] bande [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] reached Cook's "Egypt" long before other passengers. [[/red underline]] Found that excellent room on upper deck had been assigned to me. Egypt's full [[strikethrough]] Four [[/strikethrough]] During the donkey excursion [[red underline]] 4 tourists have been thrown [[/red underline]] One is limping on two sticks another has a bandaged cheek and swollen head.
^[[Lem Bowen]] Took lunch at [[red underline]] Cataract hotel [[/red underline]] with ^[[Colonel]] Law. Met [[red underline]] Ben ^[[Lem]] Bowen of Detroit. [[/red underline]] Afternoon drove over Arab cemetery to the granite quarry to see that [[red underline]] 150 ft obelisk [[/red underline]] which had been chiseled out the solid rock on all but the lower side showing how these obelisks where cut out
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[[left margin in red]] Taintor as a Nimrod! [[/left margin]]
[[in red]] Taintor as a Nimrod [[/in red]]
and half dressed on the sides before they were transported.
A hot treeless spot. [[strikethrough]] Hired [[/strikethrough]] After returning hired another [[red underline]] sailboat with Law and went sailing down river. [[/red underline]] Back on boat after sunset There met [[red underline]] Taintor [[/red underline]] who had come back from his shooting expedition Before he left for [[red underline]] Halfa [[/red underline]] Aboard had arranged with an Arab to prepare everything for day's shooting after we should be back in Shellal. In the morning when the train left [[red underline]] Shellal [[/red underline]] I overheard following conversation [[red underline]] between Taintor and the shooting guide who had given him his card as shooting [[/red underline]] guide. (specialty gazelles, hyenas, jackals, antelope, wolves etc) "Well [[red underline]] are you ready for the shooting? [[/red underline]] The Guide: [[red underline]] "Yes, but I want some more money." [[/red underline]]
What did you do with the 30