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[[left margin in red]] Cunning Arabs! [[/left margin]]
[[in red]] Shooting wild beasts! [[/in red]]
shillings I gave you?"
"They are all spent."
[[red underline]] "I killed a donkey and it costs me 30 shillings." [[/red underline]]
"What for"?
"To attract the game".
"All right [[strikethrough]] " [[strikethrough]] are you ready? = "Yes
So Taintor left full of expectations This evening he came back. - They had shot a few - "quails". I asked him about big game and his donkey. He said the ^[[dead]] [[red underline]] donkey smelled so bad [[/red underline]] he preferred not to be within a mile of it so had to give up "big game" Taintor suspects the guide of using the same donkey over and over again to extract 30 shillings from his dupes. and only keeps the smell of the donkey as evidence. and buries and reburies it once every week.
We have a [[red underline]] new dragoman [[/red underline]] as
[[end page]]
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[[left margin in red]] Asswan [[/left margin]]
[[in red]] Arab guides! [[/in red]]
different from solemn heavy Borus as Borus was different from Abandi. He is all the time babbling and joking, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] talks as fast as a jewish New York street peddler. Is a great favorite ^[[with]] [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] Americans whom he knows how to humor. and carries a volume of autographs which he shows around at the slightest provocation.
A rather cheerful company even the English here are not so stiff as on the Arabia.
March. 6. Left [[red underline]] Asswan [[/red underline]] early. Flamingoes - then Vultures [[red underline]] Aground again [[/red underline]] then kedging George is an expert on T&T. (Temples & Tombs)
Toward night [[red underline]] ran aground again [[/red underline]] on a narrow bend in the channel. Kedging is vain till late. [[red underling]] Aground all night [[/red underline]]
March 7. Still aground, more