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[[in red]] Nile return [[/in red]]
[[red underline]] warned me the her husband is a very sick man and that [[/red underline]] a long talk or a long discussion [[strikethrough]] brings about [[/strikethrough]] tires him enormous and brings about [[strikethrough]] ner [[/strikethrough]] reoccurance of his [[red underline]] nervous troubles [[/red underline]] and swelling of the head - some kind of congestion.
Last night there was a beautiful moonlight and my cabin was just [[red underline]] opposite the ruins of Luxor [[/red underline]] Unfortunately the effect is marred by the immediate neighbors of curiosity shops and hotels which give the venerable ruins a Coney-Island-like affect Temperature last night was 80 [[degree symbol]] F in my room and [[red underline]] one mosquito - one of the few which [[/red underline]] bothered me during the whole trip made sleep difficult. 
During the day the [[red underline]] flies [[/red underline]] are sometimes bothersome
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[[in red]] Luxor [[/in red]]
[[red underline]] mostly in [[/red underline]] the neighborhood of ruins - [[red underline]] due probably to donkeys and camels [[/red underline]] - but they do not bite.
Got [[red underline]] aground a few times [[/red underline]] - some kedging and then off again.
March 9. [[red underline]] Got stuck badly several [[/red underline]] times on mud shoals - more kedging. Arrived at [[red underline]] Baliaria [[/red underline]] at 4P.M. too late to go to Abydos ruins. [[red underline]] Considerable unrest seems to exist in this town. [[/red underline]] When we strolled thru the [[red underline]] squalid dirty streets were escorted by armed policemen [[/red underline]] and every member of the crew. Still people seemed harmless. Egyptian [[red underline]] armed police used the whip freely mostly on [[/red underline]] young boys whose only offense consisted in curiosity or calls or "Saida" (Good day)