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[[in red]] Nile return - Arabs [[/in red]]
is "Mininehaha", his neighbor's name is Telephone & Telegraph. My [[red underline]] donkey driver is an old rascally Arab, [[/red underline]] who trots behind and keeps on yelling "Velly good donkey" Velly good Mininehaha. Velly good Gentleman". - Mr Gentleman Pacha etc". Once in a while beings to sing a monotonous Nile - song [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] in which the other drivers join in chorus all while running out of breath following the donkeys. And then by intervals: Hip hip Hurrah - (3 times) Thank you. Thank you velly much". The donkeys seems to like it and join in, now and then, by braying. For [[red underline]] [[?Gilyolo]] and Osiris and Isis see Baedaker. [[/red underline]] Back tired and dirty in time for lunch. Steamer leaves immediately to make up for
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[[in red]] Nile return - Assuit [[/in red]]
last time. but [[red underline]] we run aground several times more. [[/red underline]]
The sky is again blue and the air crisp. Evening [[red underline]] steamer gets aground [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] March 10 St [[/strikethrough]] near a cliff and [[red underline]] stays there over night. No necessity of anchoring! [[/red underline]]
March 10. Steamer started early a few groundings and bumps but got to [[red underline]] Assuit [[/red underline]] early. [[strikethrough]] Sawa [[[/strikethrough]] Have to cool here. same metallic shawl vendors. ^[[SS]] Arabic arrives on her Southward trip.
[[red underline]] Abundi there. [[/red underline]] Saw bewildered tourists handled and landed on donkeys while pandemonium reigns. Very amusing if the operation is not performed on you. Saw [[red underline]] a stout lady who tried to sit on her sadly [[strikethrough]] whished with stoopped upwards [[/strikethrough]] over her saddle with her legs upwards while