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[[in red]] [[underline]] France [[/underline]] - Nice [[/in red]]
and red tape and the money is taken away from them! - Same in France
We have to change trains Paris [[red underline]] Menton Monte Carlo and arrive Nice [[/red underline]] about 5 P.M Vegetation seems greener and further advanced than [[strikethrough]] in and [[/strikethrough]] South of Genoa Places are better kept and more modern. It seems as if the [[red underline]] climate [[/red underline]] were decidedly milder. Than South of Genoa. altho' it feels rather cool even if it looks sunny. Reminds of San Diego in winter Went to Atlantic Hotel much advertised and would have been all right except for two heavy dirty stuffy curtains in my little room. which irritated me and spoiled the whole impression
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[[in red]] Nice [[/in red]]
of an [[strikethrough]] otherh [[/strikethrough]] otherwise well kept hotel.
[[red underline]] Nice [[/red underline]] seems to be the center of oldish people of many nations mostly Frenchmen.
Rather [[red underline]] cold [[/red underline]] and windy overcoat needed.
Negero and Majestic seem to be best hotels patronized by foreigners
I notice that Frenchmen are [[red underline]] dressed [[strikethrough]] more slouchily [[/strikethrough]] with less care [[/red underline]] than the people in Genoa. Since the war [[strikethrough]] there seems to [[/strikethrough]] and notwithstanding all the complaints of financial troubles, high cost of living depreciated currency and high taxes. both in Italy and France, the average man and woman in the street seems better dressed and better fed than when I last was there