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[[in red]] Morroco - Casablanca [[/in red]]

lunch at [[red underline]] American Consuls. [[/red underline]] then took carriage and drove to agricultural Exposition held [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] outside of the town.  Numerous new handsome white buildings. - agriculture and machinery. [[red underline]] Ford tractors [[/red underline]] automobile trucks - Ford etc [[red underline]] Mc.Cormick pumps [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] cattle tend to [[/strikethrough]] excellent cattle etc.  Most interesting sight was the [[red underline]] horse show [[/red underline]] held on the prairie outside. [[strikethrough]] Co [[/strikethrough]] There all [[red underline]] Arabs [[/red underline]] of every color and description from the shabbiest bundle of rags to the haughty [[red underline]] Caids [[/red underline]] had assembled to assert at the competition which took place in a roped off circle. [[strikethrough]] Caid [[/stirkethrough]] different Caids had established their [[red underline]] huge field tents white with a black dots [[/red underline]] simulating the black shape of 

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[[in red]] Morroco - Rabat [[/in red]]

a bottle 
[[drawing of a bottle and drawing of 9 very small bottles of the same shape as on the door]]

Inside motley and expensive carpets and [[red underline]] gilded [[curlows?]] and small tables and chibooks and moorish luxury.
I notice very [[strikethrough]] few [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] few Arabs speak any French [[/red underline]] beyond a few words.  Altho' I notice [[strikethough]] mo a [[/strikethrough]] number of French. officers and most French civilians speak French.  A considerable number of [[red underline]] Algerians, Italians, Spanish and Levantines[[/red underline]] are in this country which to them is a newly opened field

April 10. Left at 7 A.M. for [[red underline]] Rabat [[/red underline]] by Motor Omnibus.  Omnibus entirely full - Cost of seat one dollar plus a few francs extra for excess baggage. Intelligent looking and able French driver.  Bus makes good speed.