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gotten to the point of daring it to place in European Banks in Fez and [[red underline]] feel very shy. [[/red underline]] But as their religion forbids them to accept interest they do not want it as long as they feel their money is kept safe. Others put their money in hidden places The [[red udnerline]] Museum [[/red underline]] in the Palace [[red underline] does not amount to much. [[/red underline]] Our tall Arab brings me to the director of [[underline]] Profane Science [[/underline]] a [[red underline]] perfectly white skinned [[/red underline]] Arab. muslem of Algeria who teaches [[red underline]] profane Science to the Arabs [[/red underline]] here. This is an entirely new attempt [[red underline]] [[red underline]] Profane Science [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] mean [[/strikethrough]] here is: [[red underline]] Mathematics, geography and astronomy. [[/red underline]] the latter is taught by means of an astrolab - same as existed in Columbus time. The Arab director speaks excellent French. perfect and [[strikethrough]] if [[/strikethrough]] as [[red underline]] white pinkish as any northener would be - is a devout mosluman [[/red underline]] and asks me if there are many muselmans in the U.S. - Very polite and excellent manners. Then we visit the real [[red underline]] University [[/red underline]] (See Guide) where [[red underline]] holy Science - the Koran is taught. [[/red underline]] Very old. - Small cells for students - each gets tuition free. and one loaf of bread a day. No exams, no age limit? Anybody can live as a holy man. Place looks dirty and dark and unhealthy. Very old. A fat middle-aged swaying Arab ready his Koran in his cell.
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