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[[vertical annotation in left margin in red]] Algeciras [[/left margin]]
no sound whatever and seemed to take [[red underline]] performance [[/red underline]] without protest. While we are at anchor there is a [[red underline]] heavy ground swell [[/red underline]] altho' little wind.  This is an unprotected harbor. Yet there is a sand bar on which an excellent break water or jetty could be constructed. But as [[red underline]] Tangier [[/red underline]] is now internationalized nobody cares to take the risk of the expense. 
We left at 10:30 A.M. Lunch aboard. Shortly afterwards at [[red underline]] Gibraltar, [[/red underline]] thence by boat to [[red underline]] Algeciras [[/red underline]]. This time went to a hotel near station. Grand Hotel [[red underline]] Anglo Espagnol [[/red underline]] which does not make a good impression outside but which is [[underline]] very clean [[/underline]] and quite acceptable inside, decidedly 
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[[vertical annotation in left margin in red]] Spain [[/left margin]]
more agreeable than [[red underline]] Reina Cristina. [[/red underline]] Paid 20 pesetas for board and a small but clean room.  cold running water but a good bathroom nearby. Bought 2 places in a motor bus leaving to morrow morning ^[[for Cadiz]]. Bought the 2 seats next to driver so as to avoid crowding. 
Excellent wine [[red underline]] "Montilla" [[/red underline]] at 40 centismos a glass. 
April 17. [[strikethrough]] Upit [[/strikethrough]] Up [[strikethrough]] at 5:45 [[/strikethrough]] early left in [[red underline]] crowded Omnibus [[/red underline]] at 5:45 A.M. but this bus is separated in compartments the forward ones sheltered by glass windows. Old rattling French machine but gets along thru the winding mountain road. [[strikethrough]] Grazin [[/strikethrough]] Hills with green grazing lands, and beautiful flowers. Reminds of southern California. In the distance