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[[left margin in red]] [[underline]] Sevilla [[/underline]] Spain Jerez [[/left margin]]

is [[red underline]] Sam Henderson ^[[ (6519 Bella Vista Way Hollywood Cal) ]] of California who directs [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] well-drilling [[/red underline]] enterprise and who [[red underline]] knows George [[/red underline]] and thinks [[red underline]] highly of him. [[/red underline]] Heavy showers took 9:00 AM to go to [[red underline]] Seville [[/red underline]] (3 hours) to take a look at the town.  Drove around everything congested and Feria spoilt by rain.  Cold and chilly.  Lottery venders everywhere as everywhere in ^[[all]] these latin - countries.  Girls with flowers in their hair, and mantilla capping their high tortoise-shell combs.  The Exposicion Hispano-Americano which will take place in a couple of years to attract [[red underline]] South American visitors [[/red underline]] and trade seems ready.  Many handsome permanent buildings and 

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[[left margin in red]] Sevilla [[/left margin]]

well laid out parks, the buildings bearing names of different [[red underline]] South American [[/red underline]] Republics.  All [[strikethrough]] labs [[/strikethrough]] tastefully [[red underline]] arranged.  [[/red underline]] Also an enormous modern hotel [[Mauresque?]] style of which construction has been stopped as nobody has been found willing to rent it.  There is a cattle and horse market going on and I notice some [[red underline]] Andolesian Cowboys [[/red underline]] with their broad [[red underline]] brimmed conical hats [[/red underline]] leather breech-covers and moorish stirrups and big spurs.  They remind very much of our [[red underline]] Western Cowboys [[/red underline]] of which they probably were the prototype introduced thru Mexico and California.
  I had to return by only train which left at 3 P.M. - Am