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[[left margin in red]] University Sevilla [[/left margin]]
[[in red]] Spain [[/in red]]
of physics and Dean of the Faculty of Sciences
Luis [[red underline]] Abaurrea [[/red underline]] took me along to different departments, then introduced me to some of his colleagues. [[red underline]] None speaks English [[/red underline]] Some [[red underline]] a little French [[/red underline]] one spoke [[strikethrough]] red [[/strikethrough]] some [[red underline]] German [[/red underline]] The scientific departments and laboratories are simple but clean and practical so are the lecture rooms. The [[red underline]] whole place looks rather dead [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Some students whom I met in the yard entered in conversation with me. None spoke French, and one was said to know some English. [[/strikethrough]] but [[strikethrough]] alt [[/strikethrough]] altho' very interesting by its history.
April 24. Leave for [[red underline]] Cordova [[/red underline]] early in morning. A slow train 4 1/2 hours! Alone in compartment. Grazing
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[[left margin in red]] Cordoba [[/left margin]]
[[in red]] Spain [[/in red]]
land, olive trees etc. (see Baedeker. Cloudy and chilly) Huge [[red underline]] storks everywhere on chimneys or castles Guadalquiver much smoother [[/red underline]] and muddy colored. Rather flat country; [[red underline]] reminds of Richelieu River [[/red underline]] district in Canada. See [[red underline]] Belgian German and French locomotives [[/red underline]] and rolling material on the Spanish Railroads Also an [[red underline]] American [[/red underline]] locomotive of [[red underline]] Am. Locomotive Co. [[/red underline]] No boats on the [[strikethrough]] R [[/strikethrough]] river not even a rowboat. River dammed [[red underline]] Cordova looks like a much neglected place. [[/red underline]] Old omnibus takes me to Hotel Sueza. Full but will have a room at 11 1/2 rather [[red underline]] clueless place. [[/red underline]] The interpreter of hotel speaks English and take me to