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[[left margin in red]] Grenada Cordoba [[/left margin]]

People in continental [[red underline]] Europe do not seem to realize how unexpressively disgusting [[/red underline]] their slovenly carelessly dirty habits are.

April 25. A little bleak sunshine. Train let 11:30 AM. very slow again. [[red underline]] Vineyards [[/red underline]] and extensive olive plantations (See Baedeker).  More rain, interesting landscape.  Arrive in [[red underline]] Granada [[/red underline]] about 9 P.M.  Drove to [[red underline]] Washington Irving Hotel, [[/red underline]] where I had reserved a room by telegraph.
Reckless driving of motor bus thru streets.  Hotel is situated in a wooded park, quiet place [[strikethrough]] foot [[/strikethrough]] at the foot of the [[red underline]] Alhambra. [[/red underline]] The other hotel which used to be much patronized is now in the doldrums since [[red underline]] public [[/red underline]]

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[[left margin in red]] Alhambra [[/left margin]]

[[in red]] Spain [[/in red]]

[[red underline]] gambling in hotels has been [[/red underline]] prohibited.
I have a [[red underline]] cheerful room with [[/red underline]] a little improvised bathroom attached.  The [[strikethrough]] host spea [[/strikethrough]] manager speaks English so does the Concierge (A Belgian called Crispin) and the [[strikethrough]] two [[/strikethrough]] head waiter in the dining room. which is [[red underline]] very cheerful. [[/red underline]] Excellent service, good dinner and excellent wine. [[red underline]] Feel happy to have a bathroom again after my drab room in Cordova. [[/red underline]] Altho' it rains dogs and cat outside. My room feels cheerful and clean. 

April 26. I have a good guide who speaks some French.  He lost a [[red underline]] finger in the Cuban war. [[/red underline]] As he told me it took him [[red underline]] 6 weeks to get to Cuba. six hours to get in battle where he lost a finger and six weeks in [[/red underline]]