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[[left margin in red]] Grenada [[/strikethrough]] Cordova [[/strikethrough]] [[/left margin]]
[[in red]] Spain [[/in red]]
[[red underline]] the hospital after which the war was over. [[/red underline]] He draws a pension of 8 pesetas a month (or was it a year?) As it still rains we went to see [[red underline]] furniture and antiquity dealers [[/red underline]] which gave me an opportunity to get somewhat acquainted with the town and its people. The [[red underline]] Alhambra [[/red underline]] is near by but I do not want to visit it in such a miserable weather - I shall wait till sun comes out. More rain all day.
April 27. The sun is out to day. and shines friendly thru green foliage of the park but it still feels cold. [[red underline]] The Alhambra fails to make the impression [[/red underline]] on me which it did on Washington Irving. [[red underline]] Probably he had not visited Moorish [[/red underline]] countries before he came here. One should not visit these
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[[left margin in red]] Grenada [[/left margin]]
[[in red]] Spain [[/in red]]
Moorish ruins or Moorish buildings after visiting the live Moorish lands. To me all this [[red underline]] so called Moorish architecture and Moorish [[?]] looks rather effeminate [[/red underline]] Reminds me of [[red underline[[ womens lace work, where complicated designs and intricate handwork take the place of real art of the kind of the Ancient Greeks. [[/red underline]] This exaggeration in details of decoration finally repeals. All these rooms must have been very [[red underline]] uncomfortable [[/red underline]] and that feeling adds to my dislike. [[strikethrough]] Af [[/strikethrough]] On the average [[red underline]] people in Europe [[/red underline]] have ever not to do learned to make their houses ^[[really]] [[red underline]] comfortable, specially in winter time 
Charles V. made worse than the Moors when [[/red underline]] he added his own structure to [[strikethrough]] those [[/strikethrough]] ^[[those]] of