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[[left margin in red]] Alhambra [[/left margin]]
[[in red]] Spain [[/in red]]
the Moors. - There is an old half-cracked tower near by. which seems like an old ruin. [[red underline]] My guide [[/red underline]] says it is used [[red underline]] now for a prison for officers and four of them are held there now for misdeeds in Morocco. What a horrible place this must be. [[/red underline]] - no windows [[/red underline]] only some holes in the walls. [[/red underline]] Further visits to Generalifo etc. (See Baedeker)
I saw a [[red underline]] new use for old rubber ^[[motor]] tires: [[/red underline]] The men here cut sandals out of them! the [[strikethrough]] lie [[/strikethrough]] ^[[lace]] them to their feet with a rope, thru perforations in the walls of the tire!
April 28. I [[strikethrough]] went to [[/strikethrough]] sent a telegram to Yonkers to wire me at the Ritz in Madrid till Thursday evening
Went buying some
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[[left margin in red]] Cheats! Grenada [[/left margin]]
[[in red]] Spain [[/in red]]
furniture at Fuentes see bill. as follow
1 Moorish writing table  550 ptas
4 leather chairs       = 540 "
4 small moorish boxes  = 100 "
                        1190 "
Went to bank to get Spanish money. When I came back I found a bill had been made in the mean time ^[[by the furniture maker]] for a larger amount. I got so [[red underline]] disgusted [[/red underline]] that I canceled the sale, whereupon the [[red underline]] cross eyed girl that sold [[/red underline]] me the goods said it was all a mistake. That her father who made the bill was mistaken etc. [[red underline]] I left the store [[/red underline]] but a few seconds afterwards was overtaken by a boy who presented me the correct bill receipted - [[red underline]] which I [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] received [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] refused. [[/red underline]] I was shortly