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Walked around town and along Thames embankment entered a restaurant in city district, a business restaurant had an excellent & well served meal at about 1/2 or 1/3 price it would cost in New York. It is true that in the more pretentious restaurant prices are about the same as in New York
Since I was last in London several of the colonies have started propaganda to attract settlers. Some of them have whole buildings devoted to this Australia building is the best example. Very imposing in the heart of London permanent exhibition of Australian products etc. Also a continuous Cinematograph performance free to show the beauties and attractions of the life in Australia. These splendid
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apples are very attractive and will someday find an abundant market in Europe after Europeans get the fruit habit instead of looking upon fruit as a luxury.
I notice that better shoes and hats are about the same price as in New York. - same for clothes at high class tailors establishments. In cheaper stores shoes and hats and clothes of good material can be had at about 1/2 price of New York. Fit of clothes is very poor and material generally too heavy. what we call winter wear is their summer wear. and our summer wear is called tropical wear and is difficult to obtain except at specialists and then they charge fancy prices for it. Their underwear is rather expensive and [[strikethrough]] ill [[/strikethrough]]