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and real fire-traps on account of absurdedly insufficient gangway but they are all kept clean and everything in the plumbing is kept in perfect clean working order. So one is not tortured by the horrible urine smell so prevalent [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] in French and other continental theatres
Went to Empire Theatre where some kind of a Revu is given. First theatre I have seen thus far which is roomy and looks modern and where access to chairs is easy. except again a rather congested entrance
May 20 (Sunday) wrote to Celine about carpets I bought in Paris etc
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Have sent to Paris office of Guarantee Trust Co a French Bill of 100 frcs to pay for expenses of Cabling that telegram to [[strikethrough]] Assw [[/strikethrough]] Cairo This is Sunday. streets are empty. Everything clean, restful and orderly. Restaurants open at 1P.M. Barrom etc. same hour till 10 P.M. See no drunkards everybody quiet and well behaved
May 21. This is another holiday Whit-monday. No rain to day but still cold. Everybody seems out walking or is in the country. Afternoon took motorbus to Greenwich to take a look at the Thames there and the Greenwich Naval buildings. Small boys of 10 or 12 years enlist as apprentice sailors. Next